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family planning 2.0- question bank & answer

Family planning-question bank and answer 1.  World population growth rate in 2022 is: a. 0.83%           b. 1% c.1.5%           d. 1.35% 2. In 2022, the following country has the highest population growth rate: a. America       b. Japan c. India             d. China 3. Population growth rate of Nepal in 2078 is: a.1%            b. 0.93% c. 1.5%        d. 0.5% 4. Family planning is important for: a. To make the family happy b. Better mental health c. Better child health d. Above all 5. What is the target couple? a. Married couple of 15-49 years b. Couple having two children c. Couple having 2-3 alive children d. Currently married couple 6. Eligible couple means: a. 15-45 yrs. of age with a married couple b. Married co...

50 +smart MCQ-ans. on occupational health-currently updated


1. Pneumoconiosis  is caused by the following  except:

a. Asbestos           b. Silica

c. Coal dust          d. Chromium

2. Most  common  occupational cancer seen is:

a. Skin                  b. Bladder

c. Lung                d. Leukemia

3. Generally TB occurs in the following pneumoconiosis is:

a. Bagassosis     c. Silicosis

c. Asbestosis       d. Anthracosis

4. The following are organic dust except:

a. Coal                b. Silica

c. Cotton            d. Asbestos

5. Byssinosis notice in:

a. Iron factories              

b. Grainfields

c. Textile industries         

d. Cement factories

6. The following are characteristics  of occupational cancer except:

a. Age incidence is earlier than that for cancer in general

b. Appearing after long exposure

c. Localization of tumor for any one occupation is fairly constant

d. Cessation of exposure arrests the development of cancer

7. The substances related to Lungs cancer  include all except:

a. Silica             b. Nickel

c.  Coal tar       d. Asbestos

8. Farmer’s  lung  seen the  exposure to :

a. Grain dust       

b. Tobacco

c. Sugarcane dust   

d. Cotton fiber dust

9. Ergonomics is related with:

a. Improving the agricultural production

b. Improving the genetic endowment of the human population

c. Environmental manipulation according to human needs

d. Fitting the job to the worker

10. Incidence of pneumoconiosis depends on :

a. Size of particle, duration of exposure

b. The concentration of dust in the air

c. Chemical composition

d. Above all

11. In industries, Lead poisoning commonly occurs by:

a. Skin absorption     b. Inhalation

c. Ingestion         d. Conjunctival route

12. Lab tests for diagnosis of lead  poisoning for

a. Aminolevulinic acid in urine—finding result is over 5mg/liter

b. RBC-----finding result is Basophilic stippling

c. Lead in blood---finding result is  70 microgram /dL

d. Coproporphyrin in urine----finding result is over 50 microgram/liter

13. Industrial carcinogen  and  target organ:

a. Chromium--------Lungs

b. Benzene---------White blood cells

c. Benzidine------Urinary bladder

d. Vinyl chloride---Skin

14. Number of workings hrs. /day/workers in a factory should not exceed:

a. 6                  b. 8

c. 9                  d. 10

15. In factories,  the  no. of workers  is more than………., then safety officers have to be appointed:

a. 700                b. 2000

c. 1000             d. 1500

16. Phossy jaw is caused by the following occupational exposure:

a. Mercury        b. Phosphorous

c. Lead               d. Asbestos

17. Minimum area recommended  for a worker  in cubic feet is :

a. 500                b. 300

c. 200                d. 600

18. The following are notifiable under the factories  act except:

a. Anthracosis                    

b. Lead poisoning

c. Silicosis                              

d. Bagassosis

19. Helpful screening test  for lead is the measurement of:

a. Lead in blood                 

b. Lead in urine

c. Coproporphyrin in urine           

d. Amino laevulinic  acid in urine

20. The following are features of silico-tuberculosis except:

a. Impairment of total lungs capacity

b. Nodular fibrosis

c. High sputum AFB positive

d. Children of such cases do not get the disease

21. Disease and chemical agent:

*Byssinosis-----Cotton dust(organic)

*Bagassosis---Sugar cane fiber(organic)

*Antracosis----Coal dust(inorganic dust)

*Siderosis----Iron(inorganic dust)

*Silicosis---Silica(inorganic dust)

*Asbestosis, cancer lung—Asbestos(inorganic dust)


*Farmer’s lung—Hey or grain dust(organic)

22. All are occupational hazards related to cold except:

a. Frostbite                                         

b. Chilblains

c. Erythrocyanosis                             

d. Ciasson’s disease

23. In most industries, the commonest physical health  hazard is:

a. Humidity           b. Noise

c. Ionising radiation     d. Heat

24. The following type of dust is caused by pneumoconiosis is :

a. Soluble dust                                  

b. Inorganic dust

c. Insoluble dust                                                

d. Organic dust

25. Asbestosis is related to all except:

a. Cancer of the lungs                            

b. Cancer of the GI tract

c. Cancer of the urinary bladder         

d. Mesothelioma of pleura

26. Which of the following exposures requires daily examination of workers:

a. Radium          b. Arsenic

c. Lead              d. Dichromate

27. Total working hrs./week per worker including  overtime should not exceed:

a. 35                  b. 50

c. 70                  d. 60

28. cancer is seen in the aniline industry(or aromatic amines) is:

a. Bladder cancer      b. Rectum cancer

c. Lung cancer         d. Skin cancer

29.’Ground glass appearance’ in lower two-thirds of lung  seen in x-ray chest  refers to:

a. Silicosis              b. Anthracosis

c. Farmer’s lung    d. Asbestosis

30. The following one is pneumoconiosis disease that occurs in gold mines:

a. Bagassosis        b. Silicosis

c. Anthracosis       d. None of the above

31. Welder’s flash(Conjunctivitis and keratitis) is caused due to exposure to:

a. Ionizing radiation                          

b. Ultravoilet radiation

c. Vibration                                         

d. Heat

32. Incubation period for the development of anthracosis is:

a. 6 years           b. 5 months

c. 12 years         d. 15 years

33. Maximum permitted working hrs./week/worker under factories Act is:

a. 45                   B. 40

c. 58                   d. 48

34. The following is an undesirable condition for a lead industry:

a. Nephritis        b. Anaemia

c. Peptic ulcer  d. Above all

35. Sickness absenteeism is a useful  index to evaluate:

a. Working environment              

b. Sincerity of workers                 

c. condition of the health of the worker      

d. Worker management relationship        

36. What is a replacement examination for industrial workers?

a. Periodically examination of workers  while on the job

b. Examination of workers every day before going to bed

c. Examination of workers at the time of employment

d. None of the above

37. Toxic effect of inorganic lead exposure represents all except:

a. Abdominal colic, wrist drop                       

b. Mental confusion

c. Blue line on gums                                         

d. Basophilic stippling of RBC

38. Micropolyspora faeni is the main cause for:

a. Anthracosis           b. Byssinosis

c. Farmer’s lung        d. Bagassosis

39. Size of respirable dust is less than:

a. 5 microns              b. 1 micron

c. 2 microns              d. 7 microns

40. The following one type of worker in the cotton industry is commonly affected by byssinosis is:

a. Weavers                b. Growers

c. Dyers                     d. Spinners

41. Given one type of asbestos is related to mesothelioma of the pleural refer to:

a. Crocidolite            b. Chrysolite

c. Amosite                d. Anthophyllite

42. The following choice is not the direct effect of heat exposure in an industry:

a. Heatstroke           b. Heat exhaustion

c. Burns                     d. Erythrocyanosis

43. The following are bladder carcinogens except:

a. Auramine                                        

b. Benzol

c. Benzidine                                         

d. Beta naphthyl amine

44. In industries, lead is the most commonly used metal because of:

a. Least toxic

b. Anticorrosive

c. Easily mixes with other metals

d. Low boiling point

ANS-B, C and d

45. Thermoactinomyces sacchari is related with:

a. Anthracosis        b. Bagassosis

c. Byssinosis          d. Farmer's lung

46. The following is the least toxic lead compound that goes to:

a. Lead carbonate                            

b. Lead arsenate

c. Lead sulfide                             

d. Lead oxide                  

47. The following disease may be encountered as an occupational hazard:

a. Anthrax           b. Leptospirosis

c. Brucellosis     d. Above all

48. When blood lead level is more than…………then, clinical symptoms are present:

a. 30 microgram/100 ml                 

b. 70 microgram/100 ml

c. 40 microgram/100 ml                  

d. 90 microgram/100 ml

49. Best control measure available to combat silicosis is:

a. Adequate personal hygiene

b. Periodic X-ray chest

c. Replacement examination

d. Rigorous dust control measures

50. Which of the following are pneumoconiosis except:

a. Farmer,s lung      b. Siderosis

c. Bagassosis         d. Psittacosis

51. Bagassosis prevention  includes spraying the bagasse with :

a. Acetic acid 2%         b. Acetic acid 1%

c. 1% propionic acid    d. 2% propionic acid

52. Common size of dust particles to produce pneumoconiosis is:

a. 4 to 8 microns           b. 9 to 12 microns

c. 0.5 to 3 microns        d. 0.1 to 0.4 microns

53. Genetic  changes may occur due to exposure to:

a. Ionizing radiation           

b. Heat                             

c. Noise                               

d. Ultravoilet radiation                               

54. X-ray of chest shows’ snow storm’ in:

a. Silicosis          b. Anthracosis

c. Bagassosis    d. Siderosis

55. Periodic examination related to industry workers is referred to:

a. Tertiary prevention             

b. primordial prevention       

c. Secondary prevention           

d. primary prevention       

56. The earliest and most consistent sign of lead poisoning is---Facial pallor.

57. Silicosis is the major cause of permanent disability and mortality.

 Tag-MCQ-answer/objective question/question bank on occupational health*

                        for HA*ANM*BPH*MPH*SN*AHW*HEALTH EXAM OR JOB*

                            PUBLIC HEALTH*MEDICAL STUDENT.

                   silicosis*bagassosis*siderosis*anthracosis* all Pneumoconiosis


CONCLUSION-i hope that the above QNA answer is fruitful for all medical students. If you have any queries then comment to me at thank u very much 
