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family planning 2.0- question bank & answer

Family planning-question bank and answer 1.  World population growth rate in 2022 is: a. 0.83%           b. 1% c.1.5%           d. 1.35% 2. In 2022, the following country has the highest population growth rate: a. America       b. Japan c. India             d. China 3. Population growth rate of Nepal in 2078 is: a.1%            b. 0.93% c. 1.5%        d. 0.5% 4. Family planning is important for: a. To make the family happy b. Better mental health c. Better child health d. Above all 5. What is the target couple? a. Married couple of 15-49 years b. Couple having two children c. Couple having 2-3 alive children d. Currently married couple 6. Eligible couple means: a. 15-45 yrs. of age with a married couple b. Married co...

Just watch community development & organization-night mode


Just watch community development & organization-night mode


--The community development in Nepal is a multipurpose program.

--All the individuals in the community must have the opportunity for self-development. Economical and political security is a must. There must be respect and preservation of cultural heritage, values, and norms. There must be a favorable social, physical, and biological environment.

--The positive change, progress, or improvement of different aspects of the community is called community development.

--Community development is not, therefore, a new social concept, but its comprehensive characters and its application on a nationwide scale are certainly new phenomena. Community development is a democratic process in which the people participate to improve all aspects of development by themselves.

--The aim of community development is to improve all aspects of rural life including -agriculture, animal husbandry, irrigation education, public health, rural industries, communication, etc.

--Perspectives or analyses on community development are-Community development is the process of improving the socio-economic condition of the community.CD is a broad discipline and practice of community building. It is a community -a welfare-based program that runs with the direct participation of local community is an important movement to develop all aspects of society.

--Community development means mobilizing the labor of rural and urban communities in support of national objectives to build social and physical infrastructures and increase self-reliance---Pratt, and Boyden,1986

*Community development is an 

a. process        b. movement

c. Program      d. Method

e.above all 

--Community development is a process designed to create conditions of economical and social progress for the whole community with its active participation and the fullest possible reliance upon the community's initiative.------J.E. Park

--CD is a process  by which the community recognizes the real need and implements  it in behavior or activities.-----Marry G. Ros

--CD is a process designed to create conditional economical and social progress for the whole community with its active participation and fullest possible reliance upon the common initiative.----Dr. A.K. Rahman

--CD  is the process by which the efforts of the people themselves are united with those of government authorities to improve the economic, social, and cultural condition of communities to integrate these communities into the life of the nation and enable them to contribute fully to national progress.--United Nations(UN).

--ABOVE definition, we can smartly say that cd is the process in which people of the community are involved in identifying needs, planning, implementing, using local resources, monitoring and evaluating for the improvement of economic, social, cultural, health status and other related aspects of the community. The co-operation and participation will be taken from the community and government for the above activities.


* The goal of community development is to improve all aspects of rural life-agriculture, animal husbandry, irrigation, education, public health, rural industries, communication, etc. to exterminate/Finish Tripple enemies i.e. poverty,ill-health, and ignorance. ----park's preventive &social medicine.

*The goal of community development is for the community to participate in a self-initiated process to create conditions of economic and social progress for the community.--The United Nations,1965.

The community development focus on:-

        @ Improvement in the economic condition of the community.

        @ Promotion of the democratic feeling in the community.

        @ Creation of social awareness in the community.


=To develop a better community capacity for self-reliance, self-efficiency, and self-respect.

=To develop an overall aspect of the community.

=To develop the health condition of the people.

=To improve the service delivery capacity of government institutions.

=To find out community-based solutions for the unemployment problem.

=To develop the knowledge of people on the modern, scientific, and technical aspects


-Political Aspect

-Economic aspect-

-Social aspect

-Environmental aspect

-Cultural aspect

        SILENT feature of community development 

*Emphasis on all-around and integrated development.

*Emphasis on rural development.

*Mobilization of local resources and sustainable development.

*Maximum participation of the community of Nepal.

*Aim of social change.

*Poverty alleviation.

*Gender perspective.


a. External agent:-

* This technique represents the disposition of an external agent to implant a specific technique(the technique may be farming, medical, or others)  in a community The agent enters the community as an expert in some areas at the request of the national government.

*The objective of this approach is to introduce and implant a particular project or plan in the community.

b. Multiple Agents Technique:-

*A team of experts or agents seeks to provide a variety of services (education, medical, and others) in the community. These types of techniques may be more appropriate and sustainable.

*In this technique, the various agents work together for the development of the community. They are not working separately as an external agent approach. Community participation is more than the external agent approach eg. Palpa Development Project, Bhaktpur developmental project.

c. Internal Resource Mobilization Technique:-

*In this method, community people are involved in the development activities in the community and maximum use of locally available resources. Community people are actively involved in community development activities.

*The people of the community can take a little co-operation and participation from the outside if required.

*WEAKNESS OF THIS TECHNIQUE -- action is weak and slow from the technical point of view. It may not be according to the government's needs and deciding making process may be slow.

*Under this approach, the development will be permanent and sustainable so most countries are using this method for development.


1. FUNCTION of health workers

#Find out the health needs or problems of the community by using various methods of community health diagnosis.

#Identify the available resources and use them according to the need of the community.

#Planning of an effective program to solve the health problems of the community.

#Formation and mobilization of the health development committee to implement the program and seek the participation of the community.

2. THE role of the health worker

*As a geet keeper,decision-maker, communicator, informer, planner, facilitator, advisor, consultant, counselor, the link between health worker and the community, change agent, or others

                        COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION 

*The people of this country are not aware of their problems, available resources, and their capacity to solve the problems as a result there are so many problems in our country. Hence, if they are not organized well, the people of this country are unable to solve their problems. For proper planning, utilizing the available resources, and solving the existing problems of the country, community organization is must necessary.

*The organizing community involves multi-faceted activities like making public relations, developing motivation and cooperative attitude, establishing intra-sectoral coordination, and involving people in the improvement of their community health problem.

*Community organization is a process of bringing about and maintaining progressively more effective adjustment between social welfare, needs, and social welfare resources within a limited geographical area or functional field.--Arthur,1760.

*Community organization is that process or method of health education in which the combined efforts of individuals and groups are designed to generate, mobilize, co-ordinate and re-distribute resources to meet unsolved or emergent health problems.---The Joint Committee on Health Education Terminology.


--To identify community objectives, problems, and needs.

--To prioritize objectives or problems or needs.

--To assess resources (man, money, and material).

--To motivate or participating members in the program.

--To plan programs, based on needs and resources.

--To work jointly and cooperatively with the community.


a.To develop the relationship between the groups and individuals that will enable them to act together in creating and maintaining facility agencies through which they realize their highest value in the common welfare of all members of the community.

b.To promote better use of organization and availability of resources

c.To initiate responsible actions extended to address holistically the various common health and social problems.

d.To make people aware of social realities towards the development of local initiative, optimal use of human, technical, and material resources, and strengthen people's capacities.

e.To form the structure that upholds the people is a basic interest as oppressed and deprived sections of the community and as people bound by the interest to serve the people.


a. Self-help development

b. Realization of own strength

c. Group action and meaningful participation will increase in the community

d. Motivates the weak and backward people in the development activities

e. Helps to organize the community to fulfill its objectives

f. People work for their sustainable and permanent development due to the decentralization system.


a. The people of the community have the capacity to solve their problems by utilizing their available resources.

b. Community people want to change and the change can occur in the community

c. Community people have the right to set the objectives and can utilize the human and physical resources to change the community

d. The self-motivated change will be meaningful and permanent

e. The holistic approach is better than the fragmented approaches to solve the problems.

f. The people will be the founder of democratic behavior

g. Community people desire to get support in technical and professional areas.


According to ROSS----

*People Participation    


*Conflicts and controversies

*Emotional and cultural content

*Effective communication       *Gradual change

*People's goodwill and co-operative attitude

*Group strength and support

*Effective and acceptable leadership

*Developed and strengthened stability and prestige

According to Luna---

a. The people, especially the most oppressed, exploited, and deprived are open to change and have the capacity to bring change,

--Power resides in people

--Development is from people to people

--People's participation is always present

b.CO should be based on the attraction of the poverty-stricken section of the community

c.Community organizations should lead a self-reliant society


1. Fact findings regarding the program

2. Recognition of problems and determination of needs

3. Programme formulation

4. Official approval of the program

5. Education and interpretation

6. Recording and reporting 

7. Evaluation of the program


*Social action

*Locally or community development

*social planning

            DIFFERENT between CD & Community organization

*Programme designed by government or other agents outside of community when in community organization, program designed with the help of other helpers .eg. health workers, social workers.

*supply of resources, planning, and implementation of the program is run by government i.e.system of development is a top-down approach when in community organization, finding of local resources, planning and implementation of the program are done by the community. i.e. system of the development is the bottom-up approach.

*Community support is minimum to the program i.e.narrow based support of the community when in Community organization, community support is maximum to the program i.e. wide-based support of the community.

*External oriented development when in community organization, internal oriented development occurs.

*Development is not so sustainable when in community organization, development is sustainable.

*Leadership and decision-making power are under control by the specialist outside of the community while in community organization, leadership and decision-making power are under control by community people.

*Programme implementation:-planning by specialist, supervision, and training to support workers, and implementation by supportive workers, evaluation by supervisors, program functioning in the absence of outside agent(In community development)

*Programme implementation process:-Programme planning and implementation by the community people with the help of the agency, supervision and monitoring by the agency, technical and economic support by the agency, problem finding and priority given by the community, and community survey done by community people.  

SEARCH TAG:-overview/shortenote on community development and organization for healthworker and medical student*definition/ goal/objectives/technique/feauture/health worker role on community development *definition/objectives/importance/principle/different on community organization and development.

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