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family planning 2.0- question bank & answer

Family planning-question bank and answer 1.  World population growth rate in 2022 is: a. 0.83%           b. 1% c.1.5%           d. 1.35% 2. In 2022, the following country has the highest population growth rate: a. America       b. Japan c. India             d. China 3. Population growth rate of Nepal in 2078 is: a.1%            b. 0.93% c. 1.5%        d. 0.5% 4. Family planning is important for: a. To make the family happy b. Better mental health c. Better child health d. Above all 5. What is the target couple? a. Married couple of 15-49 years b. Couple having two children c. Couple having 2-3 alive children d. Currently married couple 6. Eligible couple means: a. 15-45 yrs. of age with a married couple b. Married co...

How to coaching updated MCQ-ans. for ha,bph via facebook- H4ALL

 Updated MCQ-answer for HA, BPH via Facebook- H4ALL

1. Gap between the beginning of the primary and secondary case is known:

a. Serial interval      b. Latent period

c. Generation time     d. Incubation period

2. Secondary attack rate is helpful to decide:

a. Spread of infection in close aggregate of persons who had contact with a case of disease

b. Attack rate in an immunized  and unimmunized population

c. Evaluation of the effectiveness of control measures

d. Whether a disease of unknown etiology  is communicable or not

e. Above all

3. Secondary attack rate  refers to:

a. Communicability          b. Severity

c. Infectivity      d. Fatality

4. Infection spread by dust particles is: 

a. Coccidioidomycosis            b. Tuberculosis

c. Psittacosis    d. Above all

5. Incubation period is useful to decide:

a. Source of infection                        

b. Period of the surveillance

c. Prognosis of disease                       

d. Above all

6. The following are involve two intermediate hosts except:

a. Clonorchis sinensis                           

b. Paragonimiasis

c. Schistosomiasis                                   

d. Fish tapeworm

7. There is no animal reservoir in all except:

a. Influenza        b. Cholera

c. Hepatitis A      d. Poliomylities

8. TORCH  agents include all except:

a. Herpes          b. Rubella

c. Cytomegalo virus       d. Toxoplasma

e. Coxsackie B

9. Pseudo carrier  refers to :

a. Healthy carrier                                   

b. Asymtomatic carrier

c. Avirulent organism carrier                   

d. Carrier who escapes detection

10. All are incubatory carriers except:

a. Cholera         b. Polio

c. Influenza      d. Measles   

e. Hepatitis B         

11. The 1st case to come to the study of the investigator is:

a. Secondary case      b. Contact case

c. Primary case        d. Index case

12. The following diseases are spread by droplet nuclei except:

a. Anthrax        b. Chickenpox

c. Q fever           d. Influenza

13. Man-arthropod-man transmission chain seen in :

a. Plaque               b. Malaria

c. Encephalities    d. Schistosomiasis

14. Example  of propagative transmission is:

a. Micrifilaria in mosquito

b. Malarial parasite in the mosquito

c. Guineaworm embryo in cyclops

d. Plague bacilli in a rat flea 

15. Blood is a vehicle of transmission for all except:

a. Cytomegalovirus        b. Malaria

c. Hepatitis  A                                               

d. Infectious mononucleosis

e. Brucellosis

16. The following are examples of iatrogenic disease except:

a. Infection of surgical wounds

b. Reaction to the immunizing agent

c. Aplastic anemia following use of chloramphenicol

d. Hepatitis B following blood transfusion

17. Latent infection was seen in all  except:

a. Slow viral disease                               

b. Ancylostomiasis

c. Japnese encephalitis                           

d. Herpes simplex

18. Pandemic---------Disease affecting large populations over a wide geographic area

19. Epidemic---------Unusual occurrence of disease in excess of expected occurrence

20. Sporadic--------Haphazard occurrence of the disease from time to time

21. Endemic------Constant presence of disease in given geographic area

22. Zoonotic-----Disease spread from vertebrate animals

23. Exotic-------Disease newly imported into a country

24. Epizootic----Outbreak of disease in animal

25. Transmission through direct -------is called contagious disease

26. Entry and spread of pathogens----is called  Contamination

27. Entry and spread of impurities----is called Pollution

28. Result of entry and multiplication of germs in man ---is called Infectious disease

29. Hospital-acquired infection is

a. Oppurtunistic         b. Contagious

c. Nosocomical         d. Waterborne

30. Itch mite is an example of :

a. Infestation    b. Colonization

c. Infection       d. Contamination.

31. In an epidemiological survey, the study is 'Double blind' when,

a. The investigators do not understand  the pathology of the condition

b. Neither observer nor participant  knows of the group allocation and treatment received

c. The subjects know that they belong to the control group

d. Above all

32. Use of a double-blind trial is to:

a. Increase true negatives                                

b. Avoid subject bias

c. Avoid false-negative results                       

d. Avoid observer bias

33. Randomization is :

a. Statistical procedure of allocating participants into study and control groups

b. Selecting characteristics of case group

c. Mixing control with cases

d. Mixing different types of control.

34. Disadvantage of cohort study is :

a. Involves a large number of people

b. Study itself may alter people's behavior

c. Selection of comparison group is a limiting factor

d. Above all

35. The following is not true of the case-control study:

a. Time-consuming     b. Inexpensive

c. Selection of the appropriate control group may be difficult

d. Easy to organize

36. Host in which parasites attain maturity or pass their sexual stage is: 

a. Facultative host         b. Secondary host

c. Intermediate host      d. Definitive host

37. The number of deaths in people aged above 60 years as a % of total deaths of all age groups is called as: 

a. Crude death rate                                    

b. Expectancy of life

c. Proportional  mortality ratio                   

d. Mortality by other causes

38. Total number of cases at a given point of time in a given population is called: 

a. Attack rate        b. Epidemiology

c. Incidence         d. Prevalence

39. The following epidemiologic methods use individuals as the unit of study:

a. Case-control study                                         

b. Randomized controlled trials

c. Cross-sectional study                                      

d. Above all

40. The following is not an explanation for the cyclic trend of disease:

a. Environmental conditions                           

b. Antigenic variations

c. Herd immunity variation                               

d. Build up of susceptibles

41. Prevalence is useful for :

a. For distribution of disease                               

b. To control disease

c. Efficacy of preventive and therapeutic measures 

d. To identify a potential high-risk population           

42. Which of the following study gives the incidence rate of disease:

a. Randomized controlled trial                               

b. Experimental study

c. Case-control study                                              

d. Longitudinal study

43. True about  case-control study refers to:

a. Study proceeds backward from effect to cause

b. Uses comparison group to support an inference

c. Both the exposure and disease have occurred before the start of the study

d.  Above all

44. Which of the following is taken from a prospective study, except:

a. Relative risk                                                   

b. Prevalence rate

c. Incidence rate                                                   

d. Attributable risk

45. The first person becoming sick in an epidemic is known as :

a. Primary case        b. Contact case

c. Secondary case      d. Index case

46. The following conditions with a person may not be called a CARRIER:

a. After a disease has been clinically treated in a person

b. Person during the incubation period 

c. A person who has not shown any signs and symptoms

d. A person suffering from disease and under treatment

47. Chronic carriers are not seen in :

a. Malaria          b. Typhoid

c. Poliomyelitis                                                       

d. Cerebrospinal meningitis

48. The following is not correct about the proportional mortality rate:

a. Used when  data of population are not available

b. Do not denote the risk of dying from the disease

c. Of value in making a comparison between population group

d. Helpful indicator of the significance  of a certain disease as a cause of death within any population group

49. The following one indicates incidence:

a. Number of cases existing in a given period

b. No. of old cases present during a defined period in a given population

c. Number of cases surviving in a given population at a given moment

d. No. of new cases happening during a certain period in a given population

50. There is an active attempt to change  disease  determinant  or the progress of disease belongs to the following:

a. Analytical study                                    

b. Experimental study

c. Observational study                               

d. Descriptive study

51. The following show seasonal trends except:

a. Sunstroke       b. Hay fever

c. Measles                                                    

d. Automobile accidents

52. Disease prevalence is estimated from:

a. Cohort study                                               

b. Randomized trial

c. Case-control study                                        

d. Cross-sectional study

53. The following is an odds ratio:

a. Attributable risk                                           

b. Proportional mortality rate

c. Relative risk                                                    

d. Association between risk factors & outcome

54. The following is not correct about the case-control study:

a. The controls must be free from disease understudy

b. Ensure comparability between cases and control

c. Relative risk can be exactly determined from a case-control study

d. Only newly identified cases  within a defined time are eligible

55. Most common mode of transmission of nosocomial infection is :

a. Airborne       b. Direct contact

c. Fomite borne    d. Mechanical

56. Duration of exposure determines:

a. Infectivity          b. Severity

c. Prognosis        d. Extent of spread

57. <1 week  I.P.of the disease is given  below except:

a. Typhoid         b. Cholera

c. Staphylococcal food poisoning                               


58. Incubation period  ranges  from 10 to 21 days in the following all except:

a. Measles     b. Mumps

c. Typhoid     d. B.dysentry

59. Airborne transmission  of  disease occurs by:

a. Infected dust       b. Droplet nuclei

c. Droplet infection    d. Above all

60. Vertical transmission occurs by:

a. Droplet          b. Direct contact

c. Placenta        d. mosquitoes

61. Soil has been implicated in the transmission of all except :

a. Anthrax        b. Mycetoma

c. Hookworm     d. Chickenpox

62. Carriers are more dangerous than cases  because they:

a. Infect more people                    

b. More infectious

c. Increase  virulence                      

d. Increase duration of disease

63. Infection by an organism that is not generally pathogenic but can cause disease if resistance is weakened -----is called  OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTION

64. The following is not correct about subclinical cases:

a. Host does not spread the infectious agent

b. Can be discovered only by lab test

c. Play a dominant  role in maintaining endemicity in the community

d. Responsible for immunity shown by man to a variety of disease-producing organisms

65. The following diseases are  in pandemic except:

a. Cholera             b. Influenza

c. Hepatitis A                                  

d. Acute hemorrhagic  conjunctivitis

66. One of the following is true about experimental epidemiology:

a. Provide a method of measuring the effectiveness  and efficiency of health services

b. Epidemiologist observes the natural course of events

c. Provide scientific proof of aetiological factors, that may permit control of those diseases

d. Condition in which studies  carried out are under the direct control of the investigator

67. The following is not ok about cross-sectional studies:

a. Can help in identifying  risk factors of diseases

b. Based on a single examination at one point in time

c. Provide little information about the natural history of the disease

d. More useful for chronic disease

68. Seasonal variation of disease can be assessed by:

a. Using survival rates

b. Using mortality rates

c. Comparing the incidence of disease

d. Comparing prevalence of disease

69. Cyclic trend was seen in all except:

a. Influenza        b. Measles

c. Rubella           d. Chickenpox

70. The following are features of the point source epidemic except:

a. Epidemic curve rises  and false rapidly

b. Epidemic curve shows no secondary waves

c. Epidemic tends to be explosive

d. Epidemic continuous over more than one incubation period 

71. When a disease frequency  is measured over a period of several years or decades----it is called SECULAR TRENDS

72. The following are true about the case-control study except:

a. Used in the study of rarer diseases

b. Requires a few subjects

c. Risk factors can be identified

d. It measures the incidence

73. All are true about the cohort studied  except:

a. Cohort must be free from disease understudy

b. Two groups should be comparable

c. Eligibility criteria of disease can be defined as time passes on

d. Groups should be equally susceptible

74. The following transmits from vertebrate  animals to man or vice versa:

a. Lassa fever         b. T.cruzi

c. Monkeypox       d. Rabies

75. Diseases amenable to eradication are all except:

a. Mumps         b. Poliomyelitis

c. Guineaworm       d. Measles

76. An  agent with low pathogenicity and high infectivity is seen in :

a. Epidemic         b. Pandemic

c. Clinical case     d. Carrier

77. Convalescent  carriers are seen  in all except:

a. Bacillary dysentery                                    

b. Typhoid fever

c. Pertussis                                                            

d. Meningicoccal meningitis

78. Vertical transmission of the disease is seen  in all except:

a. Rubella virus      b. Syphlis

c. Measles                                          

d. Toxoplasma gondii

79. Factor which influences the ability of the vector to transmit disease is:

a. Domesticity         b. Infectivity

c. Susceptibility          d. above all

80. The following is a dead-end infection

a. Rabies, Tetanus      

b. Bubonic plague

c. Trichinosis                                        

d. Above all

81. Interval of time between receipt of infection by a host and maximal infectivity of that host is-----called  GENERATION TIME

82. The period between the entry of an organism into the host and the appearance of significant symptoms is ---------called  INCUBATION PERIOD

83. The formulae used for  calculating secondary attack rate is

No. of contacts developing a disease in one maximum incubation period ×100

Total number of  susceptible contact

84. The following is Airborne transmission except:

a. Whooping cough       b. AIDS

c. Diphtheria        d. Tuberculosis

85. The following is indirect transmission except:

a. Water                         b. Vector

c. Transplacental          d. Air

86. Vehicle transmission is seen in  the following except:

a. Poliomylitis          b. Filaria

c. Typhoid fever      d. Hepatitis A

87. The following is not correct about COHORT STUDY:

a. Type of analytical study         

b. prospective study

c.The study proceeds from cause to effect   

d. The study is short-lived and the technique is crude


Tags--MCQ,qna,objective question-answer for HA,BPH,SN,ANM,health job in Nepal ,health entrance. MCQ of epidemiological methods

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        --incidence,prevalence,descriptive methods,case-control study,cohort study,

        --vector-borne disease,infection,pollution,epidemic,endemic,pandemic,TORCH infection

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