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family planning 2.0- question bank & answer

Family planning-question bank and answer 1.  World population growth rate in 2022 is: a. 0.83%           b. 1% c.1.5%           d. 1.35% 2. In 2022, the following country has the highest population growth rate: a. America       b. Japan c. India             d. China 3. Population growth rate of Nepal in 2078 is: a.1%            b. 0.93% c. 1.5%        d. 0.5% 4. Family planning is important for: a. To make the family happy b. Better mental health c. Better child health d. Above all 5. What is the target couple? a. Married couple of 15-49 years b. Couple having two children c. Couple having 2-3 alive children d. Currently married couple 6. Eligible couple means: a. 15-45 yrs. of age with a married couple b. Married co...

Best question and solution on mental and skin disease

    Question-solution Mental and Skin disease

1. The following drugs produce  physical dependence except

 a. Heroin          b. Barbiturate

 c. Cocaine        d. Alcohol

2. Which of the following is not a narcotic?

a. Codein           b. Marijuana

c. Methadone      d. Heroin

3. The following is derived from cannabis:

a. Charas        b. Bhang

 c. Ganja         d. all of above

4. Withdrawal symptoms of steroid dependency include:

a. Restlessness          b. Insomnia

c. Depressed mod    d. All of above

5. Psychic and physical state resulting from the interaction between a living organism and a drug :

a. Drug adverse effect     

b. Drug dependence

c. Drug abuse                         

d. Drug intoxication

6. The following mental deficiencies are associated with mental ill-health

 a. Zinc             b. Iron

 c. Iodine         d. Calcium

7. The following are major mental illnesses except:

a. Paranoia                                 

 b. Manic depressive psychosis

c. Schizophrenia                       

d. Psychoneurosis

8. All are characteristics   healthy person, mentally except:

a. Able to  meet  the demand of life

 b. Able to like and trust  other

c. Unable to accept his shortcomings

d. Has self-respect

9. Alcohol is associated with  all of the following  except

a. Cancer of the urinary bladder 

b. Cancer of the larynx                             

c. Cancer of the esophagus            

d. Cancer of the pharynx

10. Tobacco is associated with

a. Chronic bronchitis                

b. Lungs cancer                              

c. Emphysema                            

d. All of above

11. Withdrawal symptoms of tobacco  are:

a. Anxiety             b. Tremors

c. Irritability          d. a, b and c

12. Social and environmental factors associated with a high risk of drug abuse are:

a. Living away from home

b. Alienation from family

c. Broken home

d. above all

13. All are symptoms of drug addiction except:

a. Clumsy movements and tremors

b. Siuring of speech

c. Excessive appetite

d. Impaired memory and concentration

14. Symptoms of caffeinism develop when daily intake is  more than:

 a.100mg                b.200m

 c.300mg                d.500

15. To define intellectual disabilities, the following criteria can be used:

a. These deficits should be manifest before 18-years.

b. Impairments in adaptive functioning generally.

c. Significantly below-average intellectual functioning.

d. Above all

16. The following one can be diagnosed when presenting early symptoms such as severe impairment in social interaction and in communication

a. Cerebral palsy 

 b. Infantile amnesia

c. Infantile autism  

d. Mental retardation

17. The basic technique of psychosocial care is not 

a. Help the survivors to go back to their routine wor

b. Listening actively to the child and adolescent, and  being empathic to them

c. Providing social support, allowing them to ventilate their feelings

d. Affectionate to the children and adolescents, giving  financial compensation 

18. In The management of self-harm/suicide, which one option should occur first?

a. Provide emotional support to caregivers and family members of child and adolescent

b. Prescribe medication for any concurrent CAMH [child adolescent mental health] conditions

c. Keep the child and adolescent at a health facility with a secure and supportive environment

d. Keep up regular touching for the first 2 months

19. The following one is correct about depression :

a. It is a common mental health condition

b. It is commonly the sufferer’s fault for being weak or lazy

c. It is generally expected after sorrow

d. It is generally caused by the use of alcohol and drug

20. The given one is a part of psychosocial intervention for suicide/self-harm:

a. Sedation and use of medication such as haloperidol

b. Problem solving and optimizing social supports

c. Use materials like TV or newspaper to orient with recent  events

d. Substitution therapy 

21. In the context of schizophrenia, the goal of acute treatment includes all except

a. Avoid harm

b. Decreasing the seriousness of psychosis and associated symptoms

c.Eliminating or reducing symptoms such as disturbed behavior

d.Encouraging introspection

22.  The following options include symptoms of panic disorder except:

a. Tachycardia and pain in the chest

b. Feelings of impending fate

c. Dizziness and shortness of breath

d. Fever and shaking chills

23. In Depression, the following symptoms best deal:

a. Disorganized thinking, hearing voices, delusions, showing signs of neglect

b. Increased activity, decreased need for sleep, elevated mood, and loss of normal social inhibitions

c. Severe forgetfulness and disorientation to place and time, behavioral problems

d.  Having suicidal thoughts, feeling worthless and guilty

 decrease  appetite

24. The best treatment for Depression is:

a. Relaxation and hypnotherapy

b. A mood stabilizer and an antipsychotic medication

c.Psychosocial interventions and an antidepressants

d.Vitamin injections and increasing exercise

 25. When MH condition is suspected, then what should you always do once?

a. Give pharmacological interventions

b. Evaluate for self-harm/suicide risk

c. Consult the WHO essential medicine list to know what medicine is available

d. Perform behavioral activation

26. The following statements are correct about Epilepsy:

a. Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders

b. It is always a genetic cause

c. Epilepsy is a sign of spirit possession

d. Epilepsy is a transmissible disorder of the brain

27. ………….. is a common presentation of Epilepsy:

a. Delayed developmental milestones

b. Slow respiratory rate and pinpoint pupils

c. Sweating, tremor in hands, and vomiting

d.Consulsive movements or fit


1.  Urticaria can  be treated

a. Antihistamine                        

b. Cortoco

c. Antibiotic

d. above all                                 

2. Tinea infection of the body is called

a. Tinea barbae         b. T. pedis

c. T. capitus               d. T.corporis

3. Warts are caused by

a. Virus              b. Protozoa

C. Parasite         d. Arthropod

4. Abscess can be managed by:

a. Hot compression              

b. Antibiotic                                 

c. Incision and drainage      

d. A and c

5. Abscess is caused by: 

 a. E. coli        b. Staphylococcus

 c. Streptococcus       d. above all

6. Albinism   is a disease due to a lack of enzymes:

a. TYrosinase              

b. Alkaline phosphatase

c. Streptokinase          

d. Both b and c

7. Spreading subcutaneous inflammation of the skin  

a. Impetigo            b. Erysepals

c. Cellulitis             d. Boils

8. Athlete’s foot is caused by:

a. T. pedis               b. T. curis

c. T. unginum         d. all of above

9. The major local sign of boil

a. Swelling, tenderness             

 b. Coated tongue

c. Hotness and  redness             

d.  a and c

10. Boil most common in 

a. Summer           b. Winter

c. Autumn            d. Spring

11. Inflammation of hair follicles is called by:

 a. Eczema               b. Boi

 c. Impetigo            d. Pyemia

12. The following are complications of impetigo

A.  Dermatitis                    

b. Bullous impetigo and painful erythema


d. Gangreen and painful erythema

13. The color of impetigo’s crust is:

a. Red                         

b. Golden color                    

c.Dark brown colour                     


14. Herpes zoster is caused by:

 a. retrovirus       b. Streptococcus

c. vercilla         d. above  all

15. Scabies is caused by

a. Louse          b. Ticks

c. Mite           d. Flea

16. Causative agent of scabies

A. Pediculous humans          

b. Sarcoptes scab

c. T. cruris                              

d. all of above

17. The following is normally used in eczema:                                        

a. Topical steroid     

b. Systemic steroid                              

c. Topical antibiotic                  

d. both a and c

18. The treatment of atopic dermatitis is:

a. Antibiotic          b. Antihistamine

c. corticosteroid       d. all

19. Urticaria can be treated by:

a. Antibiotic           b. Antihistamin

c. corticosteroid         d. none

20. Drug of choice for Acne:

a. Penicillin                        

b. Ciprofloxacin

c. Norfloxacin                    

d. Doxycycline

21. Scabies is due to

a. Bacteria          b. Arthropoda

c. virus                d. protozoa

22. In the case of tinea  capitus, we  can give:

 a. Sulphonamide            

b. penicillin

c. Griseofulvin and  candid oitment                                              

d. penicillin and griseofulvin

23. The disease caused by pittosporum is called :

a. Vitiligo                            

b. T. corporis

c. Pityriasis versicular  

d. band  c

24.  T. unginum is a fungal infection of

a. hand          b. foot                 

c.nail            d.head

25.T. pedis is a fungal infection of  SOLES and t. manum is an infection of   PALM.

26. Tenia cruris is an infection of GROINS.

27. Fungal infection of scalp hair is called

 a. T. capitus                   b. t. cruris

c. T. mannum               d.  t. barbie

28. Fungal infection of the beared region is called TINEA  BARBAE.

29. Primary fungal infection of the surface of the skin of the trunk, face, and extremities is called tinea corporis.



It is a unilateral inflammatory, vesiculobullous eruption Caused by a  virus that attacks the posterior root ganglion and produces the skin eruption.

--- It affects a  sensory nerve.

----site;-nerves  of the face, or thoracic  spinal  nerve, only  on one  side  of the body [NEVER  CROSS  MIDLINE]

----Herpes zoster is caused by a virus that causes chickenpox in individuals who have had a chickenpox history.               


I hope you all will be satisfied with the above questions and answers.   If any problem then comments on me.



















