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family planning 2.0- question bank & answer

Family planning-question bank and answer 1.  World population growth rate in 2022 is: a. 0.83%           b. 1% c.1.5%           d. 1.35% 2. In 2022, the following country has the highest population growth rate: a. America       b. Japan c. India             d. China 3. Population growth rate of Nepal in 2078 is: a.1%            b. 0.93% c. 1.5%        d. 0.5% 4. Family planning is important for: a. To make the family happy b. Better mental health c. Better child health d. Above all 5. What is the target couple? a. Married couple of 15-49 years b. Couple having two children c. Couple having 2-3 alive children d. Currently married couple 6. Eligible couple means: a. 15-45 yrs. of age with a married couple b. Married co...

50 question on First aid and emergency management

   50 questions on First aid and emergency management.

1. Which investigation is more important in hemorrhage?

a. Coagulation profile                                    

b. Blood grouping

c. Hemoglobin                                                

d. above all

2. The dog should be observed for………..days after a dog bite:

a. 10-14  days                                         

b. 1-5 days

c. 40-50  days                                           

d. 20-60  days

3. The commonest cause of rectal bleeding in young females is: 

a.    a. Colon carcinoma

      b. intussusception

c. rectal  polyp

 d. anal fissure

4. Reactionary hemorrhage is:

a. Bleeding occurring after 7 days of injury or operation

b. Bleeding occurring after 24 hrs of injury or operation

c. Bleeding occurring within  24  hrs of injury or operation

d. Haemorrahage saw during the time of operation

5. The below snake secrets haemotoxin:

a. Viper                  b. Cobra

c. krait                    d. above  all

6. Most common cause of death  in  burn cases is:

a. Cardiogenic    shock                                      

b. Neurogenic shock

c. Septicaemic shock                                       

d. hypovolemic  shock

7. What will you do if fire catches clothes?

a. Take him to the hospital immediately

b. Pour water over the victim

c. Push him to the  pond

d. Cover  with a heavy  blanket or heavy clothes

8. When bones get  fractured  then  one  should  avoid:

a. Rest                  b. Apply bandage

c. Use splint        d. Massage

9. One should look  first  when  managing  an  unconscious  patient  is:

a. Airway                 b. breathing

c. Bleeding              d. Circulation

10. Vomiting induced  in  all types of  poisoning  except:

a. Organophosphorous                           

b. kerosene

c. Zinc phosphide                                                    

d. organochlorine

11. If A victim complains of a fractured   limb  and  bleeding from the fractured  site, the  action  will  be:

a. Apply splint                              

b. Apply a pressure bandage

c. cleaning  wound                      

d. above  all

12. What is a fracture?

a. Swelling of bones                       

b. Restriction of bony movement

c. Loss  of  continuity  of  bony   tissue          

d. destruction  of  bony  tissue

13. For A client with a cut injury then you should:

a. control hemorrhage                          

b. Clean the wound and dressing

c. tetanus  toxide (T.T.)                           

d. All of  above

14. The following is the  commonest  ENT emergency:

a. Chocking                 b. Epistaxis

c. Wound in-ear        d. ear pain

15. For a patient  with  anaphylactic  shock   with  drugs,  treatment  will  be:

a. Tab. salbutamol                                  

b. Tab. cetirizine

c. Ing. adrenalin                                     

d. both a and c

16. At a very high altitude, extremities of our body become waxy white with the loss of sensation, the condition is called  FROSTBITE.

17. The s/s of  chocking is:   

a. cynosis                      b. epistaxis

c. patient is crying     d. chest  pain

18. Cobra’s venom  is:

a. Haemotoxic             b. Neurotoxic

c. Myotoxic                   d. Cardiotoxic

19. What should  be  done  if  the  case  of  drowning:

a. make  sure the circulatory  system

b. keep an open airway

c. Check B.P. and maintain

d. above  all

20.  Which is the commonest poisoning in Nepal?

a. Kerosine                                  

b. organophosphorus

c. Morphine                                

d. organochlorine

21. The following are  the  aim  of  first-aid  except:

a. To promote recovery                               

b. To preserve life

c. To cure disease                                           

d. To prevent more damage

22. Poisonous case deals the department is:

a. Gyenocology              b. Psychiatry

c. Medicine                     d. surgery

23. In The case of a dog bite  then  you  will  do:

a. Bandage the wound                              

b. Massage with diclofenac gel

c. Clean the wound  with  soap  and  water  as soon as fast

d. both  a  and  c

24. Neurogenic shock is called Fainting or vasovagal syndrome.

25. In children most common poisoning is kerosene poisoning.

26. primary hemorrhage ---- at the time of injury.

27. Reactionary hemorrhage --- within 24 hours.

28. Secondary hemorrhage ----- occurs after 7-10 days after injury or operation 

29.  Indian cobras release Neurotoxins.

30. Karaits release Neurotoxin.

31. Viper release  Haemotoxin.

32. Superficial burn---involve only the epidermis,  more painful.

33. Deep burn----involve both epidermis and dermis, less painful.

34. Rabies is also called hydrophobia. Rabies is an acute, highly

deadly viral disease of the CNS due to  Lyssavirus

type1. Firstly it is a zoonotic disease of animals (warm-blooded animals) 

like dogs, rabbits, cats, wolves, and jackals.


35. First  aid  is  the  immediate  treatment  given  to  the  victim  of

trauma    or  sudden   illness  before  arrival  or availability of  expert

medical help is called  FIRST  AID.


36. Aims of  first  aid   

--To preserve the life of a victim

--To limit the worsening of the condition

--To promote recovery

--To make medical care available at the earliest.

37.  Heat stroke---Excessive exposure to heat or strenuous exercise in 

a hot environment. result in  eventual  failure  of  the  thermoregulatory

mechanism, with  rising  body  temperature  and  extensive  multi-system 

damage is called heat stroke.  It occurs when the core body temperature 

rises above  40 degrees centigrade.

38. Dislocation-----Completely displacement of the joint surfaces is called dislocation.                                                                                 

Subluxation--- Partially displacement of the joint surfaces is called a subluxation.                                                                     

39. Commonly dislocated joints are:

--Hip joint

--Shoulder joint

--Knee joint

--Elbow joint

--Wrist joint

--Temporomandibular [TM] joint

40.  Splints are used to protect, immobilize and stable the injured part or fractured part of the body either during transportation or for appropriate treatment.

It is used for broken bones, dislocated bones, tendon ruptures, sprains, and strains.

41. Traction:-

A traction is a tool that is applicable for straightening cracked bones or relieving tension on the spine and skeletal system. Further, it is two types that are skeletal and skin traction.

-- For immobilizing an inflamed joint.

--Prevent skeletal deformities.

-- Remove muscle spasms.

-- To reduce muscle contractures.

--For the prevention of deformity by counteracting the muscle spasms associated with painful joint conditions 

42. Wound  is  defined as  a  breach  of  continuity  of  any  living  tissue  following 

trauma or surgery.                                                           

43. Haematoma---Localised collection of a significant amount of blood in the tissues following injury is called a hematoma.

44. Abrasion wound (graze) --- This is a superficial wound in which the outer layer of skin is rubbed off. Abrasions are often caused by a sliding fall or friction burn. They are painful because dermal nerve endings are exposed. It may be called scrape or graze. It is caused by the skin sliding across the hard ground. It mostly happens on the elbow, ankle, knee, and upper extremities

45. Incised wound-----This type of wound is caused by sharp  edge instrument

like broken glass, knife, khukuri, blade, etc.

46. Lacerated wound---An irregular tearing of the  skin  or  mucous  membrane

caused by blunt objects such as falling on a  stone or due to  Road Traffic Accidents and claws of animals.

47.  Punctured or stab wound----A small but deep wound caused by a sharp-pointed

objects such as nails, thorns, and chuppa.

48.  Perforated or Gunshot wound--- When a bullet or other projectile/missile is shot into or through the body then called a gunshot wound (GSW). This wound may include heavy bleeding, organ damage, wound infection, and bone fracture. The entry of the wound may be a small hole and the exit of the wound may be a large hole.

49. Crush and avulsion injury-----These are commonly caused by traffic accidents and incidents during building work and by train crashes, explosions, and earthquakes.

Local injury may include fractures, swelling, blistering and internal bleeding.

50. Cyanosis

---It is a bluish color of the skin and mucous membrane caused by decreased hemoglobin levels in the bloodstream. It looks at Nail beds, the tip of the nose, tips of fingers toes.

Causes of cyanosis:

a. Obstruction of the respiratory passage

b. Chronic obstructive lung disease

c. Pulmonary edema, bronchial asthma

d. Congenital cyanotic heart disease

e. Expos to the cool environment

51. Jaundice is a condition (not a disease) in which the skin and mucous membrane change into yellow color due to the presence of excess bilirubin in the bloodstream.

  Site  of  examination  of  jaundice:

a. Under the surface of the tongue

b. Bulber conjuntiva, soft plate, nail bed

c. Lobule of the ear, tips of the nose

d. skin


**AMBU Bag--The AMBU bag [Ambulatory manual breathing unit] is a simple apparatus that acts like mouth-to-mouth respiration. It is used to push air into the patient's lungs via a face mask, endotracheal tube, or tracheostomy. It is a self-inflating bag used to produce positive pressure respiration during resuscitation.

**ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE--This is available as plain or cuffed tubes. The cuff is used inflated to prevent aspiration sections.

**LARYNGOSCOPE--It is used for endotracheal intubation and visualization of vocal cords.

**BARD -PAKER KNIFE  Is used for making an incision

**TOOTHED DISSECTION FORCEPS is used to hold tough scrunches such as skin, fascia, tendons, rectus sheath, etc.

**KOCHER'S FORCEPS---is used to pick up retracting blood vessels, appendix 

**CONDOM CATHETER--This is prepared by making a small nick in the condom and through it, the catheter is passed so that the flower rests on the nick. It is available on the market for readymade.

uses--Incontinence of urine, unconscious patient to measure urine output,

difficulty to put other catheters. 


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