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family planning 2.0- question bank & answer

Family planning-question bank and answer 1.  World population growth rate in 2022 is: a. 0.83%           b. 1% c.1.5%           d. 1.35% 2. In 2022, the following country has the highest population growth rate: a. America       b. Japan c. India             d. China 3. Population growth rate of Nepal in 2078 is: a.1%            b. 0.93% c. 1.5%        d. 0.5% 4. Family planning is important for: a. To make the family happy b. Better mental health c. Better child health d. Above all 5. What is the target couple? a. Married couple of 15-49 years b. Couple having two children c. Couple having 2-3 alive children d. Currently married couple 6. Eligible couple means: a. 15-45 yrs. of age with a married couple b. Married co...

Multiple choice questions of reproductive health,obstetric


MCQ of reproductive health, obstetric

           Today I am going to prepare 50 multiple choice questions and answer
            of reproductive health which is most important for psc preparing
Students and others.

1. The zygote enters the uterine cavity in:
a. 32-36 cell stage                         
b. 6-16 cell stage
c. 4 cell stage                                  
d. none

2. Lactation is concerned with all except:
a. Reduced ovulation                    
b. increased oxytocin
c. High estrogen level               
d. High prolactin level

3. Implantation occurs:

a. Fundus        b. bladder

c. Upper segment of the uterus

d. Lower segments of the uterus

4. Mother who experiences fetal movements at about 5 months of pregnancy is called:

a. Quickening          

b. Lightening

c. Engagement        

d. Frightening

5. The probable sign of pregnancy are:

a. positive BHCG test          

b. Ballotment

c. Uterine changes and enlargement           

d. above  all

6. During p/v examination of the pregnant women, we found Purplish vaginal mucosa and cervix is called as:

a. Positive sign        

b. Chadwick's sign

c. Haggar's sign       

d. Goodell's sign

7. The excessive  accumulation of liquor amnii more than 2000 ml after 26-30 wks   of gestation is called:

a. Hydatiform mole                            

b. Oligohydramnios

c. Polyhydramnios                            

d. none

8.  The following are the possible cause of prolonged labor:

a. Cervical dystocia                            

b. Malpresentation

c. CPD                                                      

d. above  all

9. The uterus reaches to umbilicus in the following months:

a. 6 months           b. 4 months

c. 3 months           d. 5 months

10. The following are considered as normal pelvis for delivery:

a. Anthropoid         

b. Platypelloid

c. Gynecoid          

d. android

11. The  first  stage of  labor  is  up to:

a. Expulsion of the fetus                   

b. Crowning of head

c. Full dilation of the cervix             

d. rupture of membrane

12.  During  the  9  months  of  pregnancy, the  height  of  the uterus falls  below  the sternum  due  to  :

a. Quickening         

b. Ballotment

c. Lightening          

d. none

13. The lifespan of fetal  RBC  approx:

a. 80 days            b. 60 days

c.100 days            d. 120 days

14. During  the active  phase  of  labor, the  effective    dilation of the cervix   in  primigravida is  the  following:

a. 1.5  cmm/hr      b. 2 cm /hr

c. 1 cm/hr             d. 0.5cm/hr

15. The characteristic of Pre-eclampsia  is:

a. Hemolysis with hypertension

b. convulsion with hypertension     

c. hypertension and proteinuria

d. Edema and hypertension

16. The  aim  of  episiotomy  is:

a. Straightening the curved birth canal

b. Enlarging the vaginal introitus

c. both                       

d. none

17. During  pregnancy, the  daily  requirement  of  folic  acid   is:

a. 300-500 microgram                          

b. 1000-1200 microgram

c. 100-200 microgram                             

d. 50-200 microgram

18. The  followings  are  rises  in  pregnancy  except:

A. Blood pressure         

b. Blood volume

c. Cardiac output          

d. Heart rate

19.  APH is defined  as  a hemorrhage any time  from  or  within   the Genital  tract  at any time of   pregnancy  from  28  wks  to:

a. Onset of labor               

 b. End of the second stage

c. End first stage                     

d. End of the third stage

20. Umbilical cord contains 2  arteries and 1 vein.

21. Brest feeding should be started  in :

a.12 hrs after birth                             

b. Immediately after birth

c. 5 hrs after birth                               

d. 24 hrs after birth

22. The  full  dilation  of  the cervix    during labor is:

a. 6 cm        b. 8 cm

c. 10 cm      d. 15 cm

23. According  to  WHO, the  lower  limit  of  Hb   below Pregnant   women  is   called anemia: 

a. 12 gm%      b. 9 gm%

c. 8 gm  %      d. 11 gm%

24. The  most  diagnostic  of  pregnancy  is:

a.Distension of abdomen           

b. F  .H  .S

c. Quickening                 

d. Amenorrhoea

25. Puerperal  pyrexia  is  fever    24  hrs  or  more  after childbirth

  if the temperature  is  more  than:

a. 99-degree fah.                               

B.100-degree fah.

c. 99.5-degree fah.                           

D. 100.4-degree fah.

26. The  leading  cause  of  maternal  mortality  in  Nepal is the following    except:

a. Thromboembolism                          

b. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

c. Haemorrhage                                      

d. Sepsis

27.  The  most  common  complication  of  eclampsia  is:

a. Pulmonary edema                        

b. Psychosis

c. Renal failure                                     

d. Cerebral hemorrhage

28. The  most  common  symptoms  in  tubal  pregnancy are:

a. Vaginal bleeding                           

b. Vomiting

c. Faintaing attack                             

d. Abdominopelvic pain

29. Implantation  occurs  on  the  following  fertilization:

a. 7th day               

b. 5th day                 

c. 8th day        

d. 6th day

30. A  mature  ovum    measures:

a. 170 microns                              

b. 100 microns

c. 180 microns                               

d. 130  microns

31. A  product  of  conception is  expelled  by  the  mother is  called  as

a. Parturition                                   

b. Labour and delivery

c. childbirth                                    

d. all of above

32. The  following  are  the  obstetric   cause  of maternal  death except:

a. Abortion         

b. Anaemia

c. Haemorrhage    

d. Eclampsia

33. The  commonest  cause  of  retained  placenta  is:

a. Uterine atonicity                     

b. Placenta accreta

c. Placenta increta                        

d. Hourglass contraction

34. The normal lochia discharge at the end of the second week is called  Lochia alba.

35. The average blood loss during normal delivery is approx.:

a. 250  ml                   

b. 700ml                        

c. 500  ml              

d. 300  ml

36. Absolute  positive signs of  pregnancy  are:

a. Ballotment                  

b. Audible FHS                   

C. Abdominal enlargement                                                                  

d. Braxton-Hicks contraction

37. All  are positive signs of  pregnancy  except  ;

a. Sonographic evidence of fetus in the uterus

b. Auscultation of FHS

C. Perception of active fetal movements

d. Amenorrhoea

38. The  main  feature  of  true labor pain  are  all  except:

a. Show                             

b. Lightening

c. Bulging of the membrane during uterine contraction

d. Dilation and affacement of cervix

39. When  the  cervix is fully  dilated, then  the  first  stage  of labor 


40. In the prenatal  period, an embryo  is  between:

a. 2-9 wks       b. 12-24 wks

c. 0-2 wks       d. 0-9 wks

41. Premature  infant  is  born  on:

a. Between 28-40 wks

b. Between 28-37 wks

c. Before 38 wks

d. Before 40 wks

42. The  following  are the adverse effects of  maternal  malnutrition  except:

a. Embryopathy               

b. Toxiemia of pregnency

c. PPH                                   

d. Low birth weight

43. The  following  are  true  about  antenatal  care is:

a. To teach mother about the need for family planning including  MTP

b. Antenatal visits help in detecting high-risk cases

c. To promote, protect and maintain the health of the mother during pregnancy.

d. all  of  above

44. The  following  is  not  an  important   antenatal  investigation:

a. VDRL                

B. X-ray abdomen

c. Urine analysis          

d. Hb estimation

45. All are high-risk antenatal  cases except:

a. Twin pregnancy               

b. Malpresentation

c. Pre-eclampsia          

d. Elderly primi          

e.Third  multigravida

46. In A normally healthy woman during  pregnancy, the  average weight  gain in:

a. 12 kg                  

b. 8 kg               

c. 14 kg                    

d. 10 kg

47. During  pregnancy, tobacco  smoking   refers  to all  except:

a. stillbirth                

b. cephalopelvic disproportion

c. placental insufficiency              

d. Low birth weight babies

48. Average   birth  weight  in  women  who  smoke  during  pregnancy

is ……  less  at  term  than  among non-smokers:

a. 670 gm            

b.170 gm               

c. 500 gm

d. No effect on birth weight

49. Alcoholism  in  pregnant  women is referred to as:

a. Developmental delay

b. Increased risk of spontaneous abortion

c.Intrauterine growth reterdation

d.  above all

50.  Intrauterine  X-ray  exposure  is  associated  with  increased

 risk  of ……  among  children:

a. Deafness       

b. Leukemia

c. Microcephaly                             

d. both b and c


Above  multiple-choice  questions are  fruitful  for  psc 

Preparing students and others that cause success in exams.

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