MCQ on ENT -eye - PHC
1. match the following
A. Unani Tibb 1. Indin system of medicine
B. Ayurveda 2. The Greek system of medicine
C. Siddha 3. The German system of medicine
D. Homeopathy
A: 2, b: 1, c: 1,d: 3
2. Match the following:
A. Father of Indian surgery 1. Hippocrates
B. Father of medicine 2.
Samuel Hahnemann
C. Father of surgery 3. Susruta
D. Homeopathy system 4. Ambrose pare
A: 3,b: 1,c: 4,d: 2
3. Father of public health refers to:
A. John snow
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Cholera
D. Typhoid fever
4. Epidemiology of cholera was first studied:
A. Jonn snow
B. William Budd
C. Robert Koch
D.Ronald Ross
5. Germ theory of disease was given by:
A. Robert Koch
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Ronald
D. Walter Reed
6. Disease prevention, health promotion, and study of man as a social being in relation to his The total environment is the definition of:
A. Socialization of
B. Socialized medicine
C. Social medicine
D. Sociology
7. The definition of public health is “ the
science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency
through organized community effort was given by:
A. Robert Koch
B. J.
E. Park
Leavell and Clark
D. C.
E. A. Winslow
The community development program is:
a. To plan a development
program in a group of villages with a
population of 60 and 80 thousand
b. To improve agriculture produce
through better. To arrange welfare
programs for women and children
d. To bring about
social and economic changes in village life through the efforts of the villagers themselves
Primary health care is a concept by:
a. World health bodies and accepted by commonwealth countries
b. India and accepted by all
c. WHO and accepted by India
d. UNICEF and accepted by all countries
10. Globel strategy for health for all was formulated and adopted by World Health Assembly in:
a. 1978
b. 1984
c. 1981
d. 1987
Alma Ata conference was held in
a. 1978
b. 1981
c. 1984
d. 1987
12. Alma Ata is a:
a. Programme
b. city
c. Nutrient
d. Drug
13. what
Socialized medicine is:
a. Integration of social medicine with health care
b.Free medical care at government expense,
regulated by professionals group
c. Charitable care at government expense
d. Health care at people’s expense
14. If a
community is aware of its health and welfare and participates actively
in the promotion of community is known as:
a. Community administration
b. community planning
c. community orientation
d. community participation
15. Trachoma is more common in:
a. Nepalgunj
b. Kathmandu
c. Jumla
d. Jajerkot
The following are not the common symptoms
of conjunctivitis:
a. Pain
b. discharge
c. redness
d. irritation
Most common ocular manifestation of HIV/AIDS is:
a. microaneurism
b. cotton wool spots
c. hemorrhage
d. none
The image is formed in myopia is:
a. at infinity
b. behind the retina
at the retina
d. in front of
the retina
Colour vision is due to:
a. bipolar cells
b. occipital
c. rods
d. cones
20 .
Inflammation of the eyelid is called:
a. blepharitis
b. chalazion
c. cataract
d. stye
21. Inflammation of the
meibomian gland is:
a. blepharitis
b. chalazion
c. Cataract
d. Stye
22. The discharge from the ear is:
a. leucorrhoea
b. otorrhoea
c. rhinorrhoea
d. auditorrhoea
23. We hear the
sound by:
bone conduction
b. fluid conduction
c. air conduction
d. above all
24. According to the
WHO definition of blindness,
the visual acuity of less than
a. 3/60
b. none
c. 6/60
d. 18/60
Which lense is suitable in Mytopia:
a. concave
b. convex
c. cylindrical
d. spherical
Syringing can be done for:
a. cataract
b. iridocyclitis
c. keratitis
d. dacryo cystitis
Epidemic pink eye is:
a. chalamydial conjunctivities
b. allergic conjuntivities
c. viral conjuntivities.
D. bacterial conjunctivitis
Image is formed in myopia is:
a. At infinity
b. behind the retina
c. at the retina
d. front of the retina
29. Most common eye disease in old people:
a. Uveitis
b. glaucoma
c. cataract
d. Trachoma
The normal intraocular pressure range from:
a. 20-25
b. 14-18mm
c. 16-20mm
d. 10-12mm
31. Ambiyopia is called LAZY EYE.
32. Pterygium is a fleshy growth on the nasal bulbar conjunctiva.
33. Limbus is called the window of the eye.
34. Condition of the absence of lens is
called Aphakia.
35. The common c.a.
of pharyngitis is:
a. Rhinovirus
b. adenovirus
c. influenza and para influenza virus
d. all of above
Retina is made of:
a. 12 layer
b. 9 layer
c. 10 layers
d. 5 layer
Causative organism of acute supportive pharyngitis is:
a. dust
b. fungi
c. virus
d. bacteria
Hoarseness is the commonest cause of:
a. Acute tonsilitis
b. acute laryngitis
c. acute pharyngitis
d. none
39. Throat is known as the oral
cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus.
40. B- hemolytic streptococci is the
organism that causes acute tonsilitis.
41. Inflammation of the tongue is
called Glossities.
42. In children,
the common foreign body in
the throat is:
a. coin
b. metal
c. meat
d. none
The best management of anterior nasal bleeding is:
a.keep patient on rest
b. pinch the nose with a finger
c.anterior nasal packing
d. both b and c
44. Inflammation of
nasal mucous membrane is called Rhinitis
The complication of rhinitis is:
a. Headache
b. Sinusitis
c. iritis
d. all
The common site for foreign body obstruction is:
a. pharynx
b. cricopharyngeal junction
c. larynx
d. pharngo-laryngeal junction
in which nerve supply to larynx:
a. vagus nerve
b. phrenic nerve
c. facial nerve
d. glossopharyngeal nerve
48. Cold drinks are not given
for -------, after tonsillectomy.
a. 24 hours
b. 38-hour
c. 72 hours
d. 48 hour
49. The
best treatment of laryngitis is:
a. antibiotic
b. voice rest
c. betadine gargle
d. analgesic
50. The largest paranasal sinuses are Maxillary
51.1st developed paranasal
sinuses are Maxillary sinuses.
52. Hereditary is the
main cause of Otosclerosis.
53. wax secreted by the sebaceous gland.
54. Ear pain is the most common
symptom of ear disease.
55. The normal hearing sound is 0-25 dB.
56. The smallest bone found in
our body is EAR.
Organ of Corti found in:
a. inner ear
b. vestibule
c. semicircular canal
d. cochlea
58. Motibindu [cataract] is
the opacity of the lens.
59. Donation of the eye means a donation
of the cornea.
60. Most Common
cases of blindness in Nepal are -cataracts.
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