Important dates and abbreviations related to public health
world nursing day ---12th May.
.national condom day---1st Saturday after Dashain
International nursing day---12th of may
.world leprosy day---30th January
world Redcross day—8th May.
.world environment day—5th
.world women day—8th march [safemotherhood day]
.world health day---7th April.
.national nursing day—15th Magh
School and Nutrition week--Jestha 1-7
.mid year population day---1st July.
.world blood donor day ---14th June
.world public health day—14th august
.world UN day—24th October.
.world AIDS day---1st December.
World human right day—10th December.
.international yoga day ---21st June.
.World no tobacco day---31st May.[No smoking day]
.world diabetes day---14thth November
World population day—11th July.
World breastfeeding day---1st-7th august
.FCHV day---5th December.
.world children’s day –14th November.
. World Mental Health Day--10th October.
.World Disable Day---3rd December
. Farmer's Day-------23rd December
.World Pneumonia Day----12th November
.Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder
.Prevention Day---------------- 21st October
.World Food Day-------16th October
. World Heart Day---29th September
.World Literacy Day---8th September
World Day Against Child Labour--12th June
World Asthma Day-----3rd May
Doctor's Day--------1st July
World ORS Day--- 29th July
NNMR----------Neo-Natal Mortality Rate.
IMR ------infant mortality rate.
MMR-----maternal mortality rate.
CPR ------contraceptive prevalence rate.
CBR-----crude birth rate.
NDHS----Nepal demographic health survey
U5MR---------under 5 mortality rate.
TFR ----total fertility rate.
ANC-----antenatal care.
CDR ---crude death rate.
ANC-----antenatal care.
WHO--- world health organization
DOHS---department of health services.
DEC—diethylcarbamazine citrate.
CPR------ contraceptive prevalence rate.
SLTHP –Second Long term health plan.
DACAW—Decentralized action for children and women.
CTEVT –council for technical education And Vocational Training.
CSW –Commercial Sex Work.
CRS—Contraceptive Retail Sales.
CMA -Community Medical Assistant.
COFP---Comprehensive Family Planning.
CFR—Case Fatality Rate.
CEOC----Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric care
CCU --Critical Care Unit.
BEOC—Basic Emergency Obstetric care
CBAC—Community-Based ARI and CDD
CAC—Comprensive Abortal Care
CBNCP –Community Based Newborn care program
CARE ---Co-operative For Assistance& Relief Every Where.
BPP –Birth Preparedness Programme.
BCG –Becillus Calmatte Guerin.
BCC –Behaviour Communication Change.
AEFI –Adverse Effect Following Immunization
BFHI --- Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.
ART –Anti Retroviral Therapy.
API -Annual Parasitic Index.
AFP –Acute Flaccid Paralysis.
DHO -District Health Office.
DM—Diabetes Mellitus.
EHCS -Essential Health Care Services.
ABER –Annual blood Examination Rate.
DOHS—Department of Health Services.
DPHO -District Public Health Office.
EOC -Emergency Obstetric Care
EPI -Expanded PROGRAMME on Immunization
FGDs –Focal Group Discussion.
FCHV –Female Community Health Volunteer.
FY –Fiscal Year.
HFMC -Health Facility Management Committee
ICD-10 --International Classification of Disease -10th Revision
.GIS -Geographical Information System.
EWARS –Early Warning and Reporting System.
FSW –Female Sex Worker.
GAVI –Global Alliance For Vaccine &Immunizattion
HFI –Health Facility Incharge
HMIS—Health Management Information System.
INGO -International Non –Governmental Organization
ICU -Intensive Care unit.
IDUs –Injecting Drug Users.
KAP –Knowledge Attitude & Practice.
ICT –Immunochromatography
IFPSC –Institutionalized Family
Planning Service Centre.
ILO –International Labour Organization.
IYCF –Infant & Young Child Feeding.
IRS --Indoor Residual Spraying.
KAI –Kala-azar Incidence.
LA –Lab Assistant.
LF –Lymphatic Filaria.
LT----Lab Technician.
MNH –Maternal&Neonatal Health.
MO -Medical Officer.
NATA –Nepal Anti Tuberculosis Association.
NDHS -Nepal demographic Health Survey.
NHRC –National Health Research Council.
NMSS---National Micronutrient Status Survey.
MCH –Maternal &Child Health.
LMD---Logestic Management Division.
M&E -Monitoring &evaluation.
MINI –Morang Innovative Neonatal Intervention.
MNTE –Maternal &Neonatal Tetanus Elimination
MOHP --Ministry of Health & Population.
NCASC –National Centre for AIDS and STD Control.
NFHP -Nepal Family Health Programme.
NHTC –National Health Training Centre
NTC –National Tubercuiosis Centre.
OPV =Orall Polio Vaccine.
ORC –Out Rrach clinic.
PB –Pause Bacillary.
PPP --Public-Private Partnership
ORS -Oral Rehydration solution/salts.
ORT -Oral Rehydration Therapy.
PMTCT---Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission.
PRA --Participatory Rural Appraisal.
PPP --Public-Private Partnership
RBM –Roll Back Maleria.
RTC—Regional Training Centre.
RUD - Rational Use of Drug.
SN –Staff Nurse.
TADA –Travel Allowance/Daily allowance.
PEM -Protein Energy Malnutrition
RH –Reproductive Health.
RTLA -Regional Tuberculosis and Leprosy Assistant.
DTLA –District Tuberculosis and Leprosy Assistant.
TOT –Training of Trainers.
STI/STD –Sexually Transmitted Infection/Disease.
TBA –Trained Birth attendants.
VAD---Vitamin A Deficiency.
VIREX—Calcium Hypochlorite Powder.
Surgical Contraception.
UNICEF---United Nations
Children’s Fund.
UNFPA--------United Nations
Population Fund.
FAO --------Food and
Agriculture Organization.
SCF –Save
the Children [UK]
UMN --United
Mission TO Nepal.
–Britain Nepal Medical
DFID ----Department For
International Development.
GTZ --German
Technical Cooperation.
JHU/PCS Nepal ---Johns Hopkins
Communication Services.
KFW---German Financial
SDC—Swiss Agency for Development And
USAID----United States
Agency For International
Planning Association of Nepal
---International Nepal fellowship.
MSI ---Marie
Stopes International.
RUSF—Ready to Use
Supplementary food
Acute Malnutrition.
Nepal contraceptive Retailers
Sales Company
JSI---John Snow Incorporation.
SAM --Severe Acute
–Ready to Use Therapeutic
IMAM---Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition.
IDD-----Iodine Deficiency Disorder
ASEAN--Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASL--Authorized Stock Level
BMI--Body Mass Index
CMAM--Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition
EOP--Emergency Order Point
GALIDRAA--Greet,Ask,Listen,Identify problems,Discuss,Reccomend,Agree and Appointment
HAZ-----Height For Age z-score
HFA---Height For Age
IHIMS---Integrated Health Information Management System
HTSP--Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy
LAM---Lactation Amenorrhoea Method
MICS--Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
MNP--Micronutrient Powder
MSNP--Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Plan
MUAC---Mid Upper Arm Circumference
NAGA---Nutrition Assessment and Gap Analysis
NHEICC--National Health Information Education and Communication Centre
NRH---Nutritional Rehabilitation Home
OTC--Outpatient Therapeutic Centre
PHCC--Primary Health Care Centre
PHC-ORC--Primary Health Care Outreach Clinic
WFH---Weight For Height
WHA--World Health Assembly
WAZ--Weight for Age z-score
WHZ--Weight for Height z-score
VMT--Voluntary motor test(in leprosy)
Tags-important divas,days,for ahw, anm,staffnurse,bph,pmh,anm and different setting
for public health, medical student
----Days or divas for complete health exam, entrance for Nepal or India
or different settings in different countries for public health
----short form or abbreviation[stand for] for medical students or public health
or different setting or HA,ANM,AHW,BPH,MPH,STAFF NURSE,Health job & entrance
I hope that the above days and abbreviations are useful to all candidates who are preparing health Lok Seba aayog [PSC] and other health professionals.
I will bring more MCQ in the future for all health topics.
If you have any queries comment to me at I will wait for your’s comment.
u for reading.
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